Zoo naturalistico con animali autoctoni

Bild von Pexels auf Pixabay_fox-1284512_1920
Der Berlikoner Zoo mit heimischen Wildtieren ist beliebt bei Jung und Alt
Pixabay - Pexels (User ID: 2286921)
Bild von Pexels auf Pixabay_fox-1284512_1920
Der Berlikoner Zoo mit heimischen Wildtieren ist beliebt bei Jung und Alt
Pixabay - Pexels (User ID: 2286921)

Lo zoo di Berlikon, con animali selvatici autoctoni, è apprezzato da grandi e piccini.

Attrazioni speciali:

  • Zoo di animali domestici
  • Recinto di cervi e cerbiatti
  • Recinto dei lupi
  • e molto altro ancora.

Oltre a un grande parco giochi, sono a vostra disposizione anche due bellissime aree barbecue.

Orari di apertura

Martedì14.00 – 20.00 Uhr
Mercoledì12.00 – 20.00 Uhr
Giovedì14.00 – 20.00 Uhr
Venerdì12.00 – 22.00 Uhr
Sabato10:00 - 22:00 Uhr
Domenica10:00 - 18:00 Uhr


Change Colors

Use the color pickers to customize the color scheme. Click Apply to update, or Reset to restore defaults.

Export Colors

The exported colors can be copied and shared. Click 'Copy to clipboard' to copy the colors.

Import Colors

Paste the color values into the text area and click 'Import colors' to apply the new color scheme.

Color Scheme Editor Help

The Color Scheme Editor allows you to change and customize the colors used in the application. This help text will guide you through all the features available in the editor.

Change Colors

The Change Colors section lets you modify the colors used in the application. There are different color groups available, each containing multiple shades numbered from 50 (lightest) to 900 (darkest).

Example: To change a color, locate the corresponding color input field (e.g., color-primary-500) and choose a new color. The color value will be updated accordingly.

Apply Colors

After making your color adjustments, click the "Apply" button to save your changes and apply the new color scheme to the application.

Reset Colors

If you want to revert the colors to their initial state, click the "Reset" button. This will discard any unsaved changes and restore the original color scheme.

Import Colors

If you have a color configuration that you would like to use, click the "Import" button. This will open a new overlay where you can paste the color configuration, and then click the "Import colors" button to apply it to the application.

Example: A valid color configuration would look like:

--color-primary-50: #f0f9ff;
--color-primary-100: #e0f2fe;
--color-primary-200: #bae6fd;

Export Colors

If you want to save the current color scheme to use in another application or share it with someone else, click the "Export" button. This will open a new overlay with the color configuration that you can copy to your clipboard by clicking the "Copy to clipboard" button.

Drag Dialog

The editor dialog is draggable, so feel free to move it around as needed.